Admission of postdoctoral researchers with CAPES grant
To apply for a CAPES grant, you must hold a doctoral degree on the date of application. The selection of postdoctoral researchers takes place throughout the year, depending on the incoming and outgoing flow of researchers Selected applicants win a CAPES grant of R$ 4,100.00 per month. The selection process evaluates the project presented, as well as the Lattes curriculum of the applicant and of the supervising faculty member. The postdoctoral period lasts 12 months and may be extended , provided that the researcher applies again under a new call for applications. To receive and keep the grant, the researcher must:
1) have full-time and exclusive dedication to the postdoctoral activities;
2) live in Florianopolis or the Florianopolis metropolitan area;
3) not be currently employed;
4) if employed, show proof of full leave of absence from work;
5) inform the program’s coordinator if and when any of the these requirements are breached; and
6) compensate CAPES if irregularities occur during the grant period.
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