The Graduate Program in Production Engineering is based in the Department of Production and Systems Engineering at UFSC. The Department provides all the necessary infrastructure to conduct academic operations. The Program’s Administrative Office and Coordination Office are housed in the department. In this space, data file structures, student and faculty support services, website services, and an automated interaction system for faculty and students are provided. The courses, seminars, thesis and dissertation defenses, as well as other academic activities of PPGEP, are held in three exclusive environments of the Program, which consist of one classroom and two amphitheaters. These environments are equipped with computers and multimedia projectors.
The following laboratories constitute the research infrastructure of PPGEP/UFSC:
- Product, Process and Service Engineering Group (GEPPS, the work of this group is focused on the research of Lean product, process and service development as a strategic element for obtaining competitiveness and quality in organizations. Supervisor: Prof. Fernando Antonio Forcellini.
- Sustainability and Innovation in Renewable Energy Group (SINERGIA, The group’s object of study is the socio-technological transition to more sustainable societies, mainly in the areas/sectors of Energy and Mobility. The group’s research analyzes the technical, social, environmental and economic aspects of these sectors in order to propose new solutions and/or policies that contribute to accelerating sustainable transitions. Therefore, the group employs a mix of methodologies involving structured literature review (supported by specialized software) and simulation (mainly system dynamics for prospective and retrospective studies). Supervisor: Prof. Mauricio Uriona Maldonado.
- Costs and Measurements Lab (LCM, The lab works to support research and outreach activities in the area of cost management and construction of measurement scales, mainly from the Item Response Theory (IRT). The main objective of the lab is to serve as a basis for study groups formed by undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers. Supervisor: Prof. Antonio Cezar Bornia.
- Project and Investment Development Support Systems Lab (LabSAD, the objective of the laboratory is to develop and disseminate knowledge in the form of support systems for project evaluation and management, investment evaluation and business creation. It also aims to study the mechanisms of strict networks of companies and regional clusters as a means to ensure competitiveness, integrating and promoting the development and quality of life in the region. Supervisors: Prof. Nelson Casarotto Filho and Prof. Artur Santa Catarina.
- Logistics Performance Lab (LDL, http://www.ldl.pá The lab is dedicated to the research and development of solutions that improve the performance of organizations’ logistics systems, with a view to advancing skills for professionals and cutting-edge researchers, generating scientific knowledge for academia, as well as adding value to the logistics of partner companies. The lab supports several areas of logistics and supply chain, such as Logistics Maturity, Logistic Costs, Logistic Risks, Logistic Solutions in the Industry 4.0 environment, Sustainability and Green Logistics, aiming at the excellence in the evaluation of logistics performance in different sectors of the economy. Supervisor: Prof. Carlos Manuel Taboada Rodriguez.
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab (LEMPi, The lab aims to carry out research and outreach in the areas of entrepreneurship, life cycle of organizations, innovation and sustainability, with emphasis on micro and small enterprises. Supervisor: Prof. Álvaro Guillermo Rojas Lezana.
- Ergonomics Lab (LABERGO, The lab focuses on the multidisciplinary development of research and outreach projects, offering, within the context of Workplace Ergonomics, adequacy to the health and safety conditions of workers. The lab also develops ergonomic projects/services/products and Applied Technologies equipped with solutions appropriate to local and functional needs that ensure better working and living conditions for users. Supervisor: Prof. Lizandra Garcia Lupi Vergara.
- Environmental Management and Assessment Lab (LGAA, The lab’s objective is to investigate and find solutions for problems related to sustainability. The objective specifically pertains to environmental management in production organizations, considering the entire value and supply chain. Supervisor: Prof. Lucila Maria de Souza Campos.
- Operations Management Lab (LGO): The research group works in the management of productive operations and assesses the life cycle of a various scope of goods and services, covering topics in quality (e.g., ISO 9001, six sigma program), product-service system (development and operation), servitization (organizational transition) and advanced manufacturing (smart manufacturing). Supervisor: Prof. Paulo A. Cauchick Miguel.
- Product Design Lab (LPP): The lab acts in the research and development of project methodologies, including new factors such as project learning, postponement, portfolio management, time to market, pricing of products, optimization of the economic value of products, flexibility in projects, etc. The LPP is home to the Value Engineering and Value Analysis Research Group, formed by undergraduate and graduate students. Supervisor: Prof. Osmar Possamai.
- Production and Logistics Intelligent Systems (ProLogIS, The laboratory and research group aim to foster the scientific knowledge and the innovative application of concepts, methods and techniques for the decision making in distributed production systems, the integration of production, logistics and transportation processes along supply chains, advanced manufacturing (smart, digital, connected and social) and Industry 4.0. Supervisor: Prof. Enzo Morosini Frazzon.
- Productivity and Continuous Improvement Laboratory (LPMC, lab’s mission is to promote teaching, research and outreach activities oriented towards the application and dissemination of techniques for improving products, services and processes via human resources training and the development of projects in partnership with institutions and companies in the manufacturing and service sectors. Supervisor: Prof. Guilherme Luz Tortorella.
- Biomechanics Laboratory (BIOMEC, The lab promotes knowledge in the field of biomechanics. Since the beginning of its activities, it has brought together professors and researchers from various disciplines, particularly from health science and engineering, in the search of partnerships to conduct research related to the human movement,. Supervisor: Prof. Antônio Renato Pereira Moro.
- Quality Assurance Center (NGQ): The center consolidates efforts related to the development, maintenance and quality improvement of the production/process of goods and services across all sectors. Its main objective is to plan, develop and manage research, teaching and outreach projects in the area of Goods and Services Quality Management and Evaluation. In a coordinated way, researchers and professionals compile results from these activities in a manner that can be transferred to companies and institutions focused on the production of goods and services. Its current focus is the development of models of Quality Management and Evaluation compatible with the environments of Industry 4.0 and 5.0. Supervisor: Prof. Edson Pacheco Paladini.
- Design and User Experience Management Center & Design and User Experience Lab (NGD I LDU, The center and lab conduct research in the areas of Design and Engineering with a focus on Design Management, Ergonomics, Social Innovation, Assistive Technology, Process, Product and Service. The Design and Usability Laboratory has state-of-the-art technology that makes it an appropriate space for research, development and innovation applied to several sectors, such as industry, public health and services, among many others. Supervisor: Prof. Eugenio Andrés Diaz Merino.
Organizational Performance Management and Evaluation Research Group: The group is dedicated to the study and practice of the development of the Performance Evaluation area, both in the measurement activity, and in the management of the organizational context, in order to contribute to scientific advancement and to better respond to practical organizational needs. Supervisor: Prof. Sandra Rolim Ensslin.