
The Graduate Program in Production Engineering receives annual quotas of scholarships granted by the funding agencies CAPES and CNPq. Acceptance into the Graduate Program does not guarantee a scholarship award. The student’s Lattes curriculum is evaluated by a Scholarship Committee, which establishes criteria to assess academic performance and rank the students. To receive and keep the scholarship, the student must meet the requirements established by the funding agencies and the Scholarship Committee:

1) be regularly enrolled in the program;

2) have full-time and exclusive dedication to the program’s activities;

3) maintain a satisfactory academic performance;

4) live in Florianopolis or the Florianopolis metropolitan area;

5) not be employed, at any work, by a private or public company;

6) inform to the Scholarship Committee if and when any of these requirements are breached; and

7) compensate the funding agencies if irregularities occur during the scholarship period.

The master’s scholarship of R$ 1,500.00 is deposited monthly and has a maximum duration of 24 months. The doctoral scholarship of R$ 2,200.00 is deposited monthly and lasts 48 months.

Further information:


CAPES Scholarship – Ordinance no. 076/2010

CNPq Scholarship – Normative Resolution no. 017/2006